Rae Renee
Inner Child Practitioner, Health and Nutrition Coach, Sound Bath Host
Rae began her full Health Journey 15 years ago, and has been on an Intuitive Eating Journey for the last 8 years. She remembers the first time she had ever made an egg, and since has been unstoppable with cooking. She decided to go to culinary school after high school at John Falls Culinary Institute. After gaining her Bachelor’s, she has added Health Coaching and Nutrition to her belt. She also started her Sound Healing journey 6 years ago when she discovered a tiny drum at a Women's Retreat. The drum just made sense to her and she’s been playing ever since.
Upon her Health Journey, Rae started to discover different diets and realized they didn’t really work. She started to tap into food and how it contributes to not only our physical, but spiritual and mental health. After conducting research and having experience, she created her own assessment to tap into the subconscious mind of someone to figure out which chakra is holding baggage or blockages. By using that as a compass, and incorporating color and sound, the foods that will help heal that energy center will be discovered.
Rae has two sayings, “Let your point of life be to live it not to survive it.”, and “May every action, goal, and effort guide you to a life well lived not a life survived.” She emphasizes living life meaningfully and intentionally. She found a state of peace and hopes to be able to guide others there as well. She will be hosting Juicing Classes, Intuitive Eating Classes, sound baths, and more!